Feminine Energy

First Haiku poem by Andrea Avari Stevens

moonbird rising soft

fly me dancing crazily

heart bursts fall silent

“A Hit of Heaven: a soul’s journey through illusion”

This post is copied in part from Meredith Davis’s blog site (www.starrevenblog.blogspot.com).  She describes her experience reading my book, “A Hit of Heaven: a soul’s journey through illusion.

I  recently read a book that had a huge impact on me.  I picked it up at the library “by mistake”.  Ha! I live I Sedona, I know better than mistakes!! I got home, looked at it, wondered what it was, and thought I’d read it anyhow.  Funny how Spirit puts things in our paths when we’re open and allowing.

The book is an ostensibly simple story about a woman’s life, told through the perspective of how her soul orchestrated a life contract so it could learn and experience certain things.  The story showed how when we incarnate, we forget there is a plan and then wonder why on earth we’re doing the things we’re doing, and what the point of it all is. So, we judge and condemn ourselves and others, blame everyone for our pain, make what we consider to be huge stupid mistakes, ad nauseam. You know the feeling?

So, when I looked at my life from this higher perspective – and really this story could be about any of us—I got such a different view.  So much self-judgment, fear and doubt about this journey I call my life simply disappeared, leaving nothing but love and compassion behind.  I became able to look at the people around me differently too, seeing them as souls on a journey to learn, grow and experience.  I have become free of the compulsion to judge their paths, personalities, and choices and can  simply honor and bless them — and myself too.  I see how courageous we all are to have embarked on these journeys we call life and bless all of it.  Wow, what a liberating shift this has been!

The book, by the way is A Hit of Heaven  by Andrea Avari, PhD.

Are We Afraid of Our Shadows?

I have been wondering  how awakening and reality can connect in a healthy way.   I hear from some people that they do not want to read the newspapers or listen to the happenings of the day.  They seem to feel that being in contact with the shadow side of life will contaminate their affirmative perspective of life.  Their focus appears to be on connecting with that which they consider to be higher realms of consciousness.  They want to live in the light, as many of us do, as well.   I guess they think that by associating with the reality of life with the corruption, war, poverty, racism,  deception, illness, sadness, powerlessless and all the rest of it, that their lights will be dimmed.   Perhaps they think that if they are busy awakening then……..everyone will be served…….eventually.

I am wondering if that thinking pattern is based in fear?  If God flows through everything, then why is part of everything excluded?  Why is the part that would realistically cause us to cry out in injustice not recognized?  Why would we want to hide from it?  Remember ‘The Secret’?  And The Law of Attraction?  What is it that draws people to focusing on creating what they want….like cars and houses?  Are we being deluded by creating at the level of the ego?

Because we all have inner work to do in varying degrees, isn’t that part which creates houses and cars (me stuff) more likely to be of ego vibration than Higher Self?   Asking the Divine Intelligence (or whatever you want to call it) to flow through us as we work to dissipate our emotional and mental blocks seems to me to be more effective than creating from our ego.   If I want peace in the world, my work is creating it in myself on all levels.  I can hold that thought for periods of time, but if I am embracing and clearing my shadows…..then my light shines more brightly in the world.  And the world reflects each and every light brightening.

So why is it that some people are not able to embrace the shadow of the world?  Is it because they don’t want to embrace their own shadow and do their work?  Is their fear of their own deep inner work projected onto their connection of being in the world?  Didn’t Jesus say something like  ‘be of the world not in it’?   To me, that seems to mean be in the place of observer and not to be attached to it.  Being close to the fire we can get burned but only if we are attached.  If we are attached we will feel it as though it was our own process.  That is scary to some people.  But if we are clearing our own blocks,  then we do not attach to the suffering.  We can be an observer and release the attachment energy into concrete action.  We see it as it is…..in its teaching role for all us to become more Love.

Mother Teresa saw God in all afflictions.  What if we can be in the world and turn the tables of the money-changers over as Jesus did?   What if we can be present and really hear the reality of life and not be overwhelmed?  What does that take?  Working our stuff which creates a higher vibration within ourselves so that we are not emotionally charged by our own past losses, deception, illnesses, poverty, injustices, etc.  Then our activist selves can work at our chosen level to facilitate change as we hold the vision of peace on earth, surrounding our world and everyone with healing luminescence.  Concrete activism can take place when we write our representatives about our visions, give money to assist those we need it, write articles, speak out, and volunteer to help where needed, and all the other beautiful things that people are doing right now.

Julian Assange modeled that work for us this week.  His website, Wikileaks, released pages of war notes.  They are not pretty.   But they are necessary for us to read to increase our awareness of what is going on around us and what we are choosing to support with our money.   (However, publishing names of individuals who could be hurt by disclosure is not appropriate, IMO).  We can be aware of and send light to all involved in this war in all levels of government and countries, send light to the soldiers on all sides who commit abuses in the name of ‘peace and freedom’, send messages to Congress and others (and we do not focus on the outcome of our messages…..but on the doing of the action itself).  We can experience outrage at the injustices and move into action.  We do not need to be afraid of being stuck or contaminated by the injustice or our anger.  It is a teaching just as incidents and relationships in our own lives are teaching us to heal out of fear and victimization into Love.

I imagine myself telling an Afghan woman who is struggling with fear for herself, her children, her family…….her dear life……..that I can’t hear because I am busy being awakened.  I will hold the light on for her, though.  I see her blank eyes stare at me.  My vibration expands if I see her in the present moment of her struggling, and I lend my heart and hand as I listen and really hear her pain ….without attachment……but deep compassion………to speak out for her, to seek accountability, to send money, to write……..as I feel her pain but not sink into it…….and to hold her trustingly in connection in my heart as I work.  Just as I hold in my heart with much light the soldier who after shooting and killing unarmed civilians…….as though it was a video game……. summarized the scene by saying one word…….”nice”.    Are we afraid of our own shadows?


Give What It Is You Want to Get

Give what it is you want to get.  Sometimes when we hear that statement, our inner rebel stands with arms folded across our chest and says, “No, I should get it first!  And then I will give it.”   Or perhaps this response:  “If I give it, I expect you to reciprocate immediately or I will be angry!”  Or even….”If I give it and you don’t, I will never give it again!”

These interactions are some of the games we play in the field of relationships.  The playing comes from the duality of thinking I am separate from you.  The truth is that when we give to each other we are giving to ourselves as well.

For example, perhaps I would like more space to be myself in a particular relationship .   Perhaps I feel that you don’t hear me.  I want more experience of being heard.  I keep focusing on YOU hearing ME and acknowledging ME.   I notice every time you don’t listen to me.  I get wrapped up in my needing you to be a certain way.  I am controlling the process but I don’t even realize it because I am thinking I am right and you just need to listen to me and you will get it right.  I am so determined for you to hear me that I have forgotten about you.

Am I giving what I want to get?  How do I hear you?  Am I listening openly and with acceptance?………even if I don’t like what I am hearing?  Is my heart open to you and to your process or am I hell-bent on being heard? What happens if I open the space with my attention to hearing you, accepting you?  When I move into sharing the space, I am amazed.  Something is different.  I am hearing you……it seems strangely like the first time.  I hear your struggles, your hopes and dreams.  There is clearly a change in energy.  I hear you clearly because I have moved out of my contracted self and into the space that connects us.  My heart embraces you as I listen to you.

Unbelieveably, I am not thinking of myself.  I see you not as the controller of my space but another soul working its process.  I practice this giving what I want to get…….over and over.  I am curiously addicted to this new way of thinking and behaving.  I become aware of how much I have missed in sharing your process of becoming.  I see you blossom in my acceptance of you.  And I see you opening to me in a deeply interested way.  You are asking me questions and listening to my answers.  I feel your presence in our shared space.  I am amazed that I have forgotten the beautiful grace of giving.  I want to live there always.

The world looks different to us today…….it expanded in ways we didn’t know before.  The sun rises on a dark place of the past and we smile in a new understanding of connection with one another.   We got it today…….as long as we keep giving.


A Prayer

Dear Divine Essence:

My desire, my priority is inner peace.  I want the experience of deep universal Love.  I don’t know what would bring that to me.  I leave the process of self-realization to your energetically transforming healing.   I trust in the process of life always deepening into Higher Consciousness.  I know that the qualities of my compassionate soul draw to me that which perfectly teaches me to love myself and all else in infinite expansion. I know that as my light shines more brilliantly…..so does the world.  The greed and corruption, lies and deception…..all forms of fear of surrendering to Love……..will gradually dissolve into the higher vibrations of compassion, cooperation and love as we each learn to walk our talk in healing our wounded hearts.   May grace surround us in our courageous transformations.

I continually beam my light to all the people and events of the world to join with their light as we realize who we truly are.  I am so very grateful that we are One in the core of our Being.


